Organizing the OmniGo's Home Screen by Marcus Groeber 97 email: [Copy of a message originally posted to the OmniGo mailing list and the HPHAND forum of CompuServe.] Some time ago, people asked about ways to remove infrequently used apps from the home screen of the OmniGo to make room for the icons of additional applications. The following steps describe a fairly simple way for achieving the desired results: 1. Pre-requisites: apart from an OmniGo, you will need a Geos-based file manager (probably the one written by Nathan :-)), a PC with an OG file transfer program (OmniCom, OGFTP, ORC) and a DOS prompt driver on your OG. 2. Use the file manager to create a subdirectory in WORLD in which to place the icons of the apps you want to remove and copy the apps from WORLD into that directory (each of them will take only 512 bytes of memory, so don't worry too much about duplicating them...). You cannot *move* them because the files are stored in ROM, even though they show up on the RAM disk. 3. Use the file transfer program to download copies of the apps in the newly created subdirectory to your PC. Do not try to copy them from the WORLD directory, because there is a bug in the ROM file system of Geos which results in parts of the files being lost when downloaded directly from ROM. 4. On the PC, enter the following commands for each of the program files just downloaded (they will all have names ending in .geo, which are not identical to the ones found on the OmniGo): 4a. At the DOS prompt, type DEBUG .geo (for example, JDEMO.GEO for the Demo application) 4b. At the "-" prompt, enter "e 128 3". 4c. At the "-" prompt, enter "w". 4d. At the "-" prompt enter "q". 5. Now upload the modified files to the \GEOWORKS directory of the OG. You cannot upload them to the WORLD directory, because there are already other files of the same name there. 6. Reboot the OmniGo to get to the DOS prompt. Go to the B:\GEOWORKS directory if you are not already there. For each of the files copied, enter "copy .geo WORLD\.geo". After copying it, you can remove the original by typing "del .geo". 7. After copying all the files, you can enter "geos" to re-launch Geos. You should now see the reorganized home screen. To make the icons reappear on the home screen, use either the DOS prompt or the file manager to remove the files from the WORLD directory. The icons will come back after the next reboot. [For the technically inclined...] How it works: The applications you see on the home screen are "mirrored" from copies originally residing in ROM. These small (280 bytes) files in ROM in turn point to the actual application code which is not visible in the file system. By copying files by the same name which are marked as non-applications (this is what the DEBUG patch is good for) into the WORLD directory, these files actually "shadow" the ROM copies, making them invisible for the Home Screen application. A note: what this modification does is only rearrange the icons visible on screen, *not* free any memory (as said, you will even lose about a KByte for every application moved because of the duplicated "pointer" and "shadow" files). This isn't possible anyway, because unused apps will only occupy ROM, not RAM.